
December 2022 8 Min Read

Saving the Planet and Boosting Profits

How Treasury can Support ESG in the Supply Chain An organisation’s commitment to ESG – environmental, social, and governance – must go beyond lip service, extending into real behavioural and cultural changes both within the organisation and its external...


November 2022 9 Min Read

A Quantum Leap Forward in Data-Driven ESG Scoring

A successful pilot managed by Surecomp has shown that ESG scoring can now be applied at the individual trade finance transaction level, opening up a world of possibilities for corporate treasurers to support sustainable global trade. The 2022 edition of the United...


October 2022 13:37

Community Impact: Cash and Fixed Income Investing for Good

Catherine Berman (CNote) outlines how investing via the CNote platform does not typically require any investment policy changes.


October 2022 09:11

TMI’s View from Sibos – with Adrian Whelan, Brown Brothers Harriman

Adrian Whelan (Brown Brothers Harriman) considers how treasurers should respond when seeking to leverage their organisation’s ESG policies.


October 2022 10:20

TMI’s View from Sibos – with Andrew Bester, ING

Andrew Bester (ING) takes a seat alongside Tom Alford (TMI) to discuss the progress and impact of ESG within treasury.


September 2022 11 Min Read

Short-term Markets Tackling the Long-term Issue of ESG

ESG covers a wide range of issues encompassing the notion that a business has a social responsibility to look after people and the planet. The combination of these social elements and, increasingly, regulatory imperatives, means that many businesses have been...


September 2022 31:44

Integrating Sustainability into Everyday Treasury

Caroline Haas, Dr. Arthur Krebbers, and Gustavo Brianza (NatWest) consider practical ways for treasurers to engage with and support ESG.


September 2022 11 Min Read

As Easy as ESG

Integrating Sustainability into Everyday Treasury As sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion matters continue to grow in importance for a range of corporate stakeholders, treasurers are in a prime position to support the transition to ESG-friendly...


September 2022 22:58

HSBC’s Sibos Spotlight – Holistic ESG Transition in Value Chains

The second edition of HSBC’s popular Sibos Spotlight series sees Surath Sengupta (HBSC) join TMI’s Eleanor Hill to explain why the appetite for sustainable supply chain solutions has accelerated. In this ESG deep dive, our guest considers the supply chain...


August 2022 7 Min Read

PepsiCo’s $1.25bn Green Bond Adds Extra Fizz to the ESG Market

In mid-July 2022, worldwide food and beverage giant PepsiCo announced the closing of a new $1.25bn 10-year green bond – its second such venture in the past three years. TMI caught up with Anna Palazij, Vice President, ESG Reporting and Strategic Investment, PepsiCo,...


August 2022 1 Min Read

ESG Guide

Discover the true value of ESG in treasury and explore a collection of corporate case studies, outlining practical ways to make ESG part of BAU in treasury.


July 2022 7 Min Read

Diversity and Teamwork

Building Treasury Relationships The merger in 2016 that formed leading global advisory, broking, and solutions company WTW cultivated an environment of constant change for the firm’s treasury. In a recent TMI podcast, Frances Cavanagh, Director, Treasury...

For the Record Treasury Blog
Straight-talking treasury

Latest News

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EP Resources Selects Surecomp’s RIVO to Automate Documentary Trade Credit

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5 September 2024
Palm Raises $6.1million to Transform Enterprise Treasury Management

Palm announces that it has raised $6.1million in seed funding.

3 September 2024
Bahrain FinTech Bay Partners with to Advance FinTech Innovation and Growth

The collaboration is set to drive fintech innovation and promote sustainable growth.

3 September 2024
Mitigram Partners with Fides to Make Global Trade Finance Seamless

Mitigram is pleased to announce it has partnered with Fides, as Mitigram becomes their trusted partner for trade finance supply.

29 August 2024
Bank of China Hong Kong Takes Part in HKMA’s Project Ensemble Sandbox

BOCHK conducts two tokenisation use cases on fixed income and investment funds and liquidity management.