Cash & Liquidity Management
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Giving Clarity to Cash

by Colin Cookson, Head of Liquidity, Aviva Investors

Colin Cookson, head of liquidity at Aviva Investors, explains how fund managers are evolving a more transparent approach to help clients understand exactly where their money is invested.

In today’s risk averse markets, treasurers are looking for more than reassurance that their money is securely invested. They want managers who can prove it.

It is no longer enough for a fund manager simply to list the assets in their fund. Clients want to know about the strategy of a fund. How is a manager looking to add value? What is he or she doing to ensure liquidity? Why is the yield higher, or lower, than that of rival funds? How strong is the credit team supporting the fund manager?

Aviva Investors has led the way with transparent reporting across its market-leading range of cash funds. And we set a precedent with a move from notional constant net asset value pricing to variable net asset value pricing on three of our core cash funds.